Tag Archive | sleep

Day 15 – Down 2lbs for week 2!

Oh wow yesterday was just horrible, I had no energy, I didn’t want to do anything.  And you know what I didn’t, and I felt like crap because of it. My back was horribly sore and I craved something sweet allllll day long.  It’s interesting how that works out.  The awesome thing is I relied on God and didn’t give into the temptations of pigging out on whatever I had in the house that was sweet.  So yes I’m making progress even if I did watch 3 hours of TV and play 2 hours of Wii. And not the good kind of wii, the sit on your butt and use a remote control kind.

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Lunch today was left over Shepard’s Pie, Kombucha and some supplements. 

The Good: I did my workout today while watching TV!  Funnily enough it was while watch Biggest Loser.  Which usually I like to eat cookies and watch.  Odd I know.

The Great: And certainly the better news is that when I weighed myself this morning I was 227!! That’s down 2 lbs from last week.  What I love about this detox is that it’s not about losing weight, and the old me would have actually be frustrated, YES frustrated at losing only 2lbs even thought I’ve done so much work. But now I’m like 2lbs?! Rock on!  I didn’t even expect to lose anything this week.

The Ugly: My sleep was so messed up after a day of blahness yesterday that after I dropped my daughter off at her friends house this morning instead of getting stuff done around the house I just went back to bed.

Day 12 – A half way point treat day

I had 5 treats today

  1. I got to sleep in!  Since I had to go to the Chiropractors this afternoon but had to leave before my daughter went down for a nap, my husband got up with her and took her to the park.  So I even got to get ready in an empty house!  That’s like treat 1.5
  2. Shopping alone.  After getting cracked back into place, I headed over to Whole Foods to get some shopping done. When I have to go with the wee one she is constantly trying to grab the things I’ve put into the cart.  And constantly saying “please, please, please” to all the fruit she sees.  So yes, shopping alone is a treat.  I also love Whole Foods because they have Kombucha on tap. MmmmmUploaded from the Photobucket Android App
  3. Chipotle!!  I took my Kombucha and headed over to Chipotle. I could seriously eat there every day of my life if I could afford it. I usually get a salad, no dressing, rice, chicken, mild salsa, cheese, sour cream, guac and top it all with some more lettuce. I wouldn’t normally eat dairy, but I always make the exception for Chipotle and have never gotten sick.  I always say it’s nothing other than a blessing by God, Chipotle without sour cream would be criminal.
  4. Movie time! Since I had gotten everything done so early and I still had loads of time I went to go see a movie!  I had originally wanted to see Les Mis, but the time tables didn’t work out in my favor so instead I went to go see Silver Linings.  It was just alright.  I mean it was interesting and definitely entertaining, but I would have rather spent $1 at Redbox renting it that $9.50 to see in in the theater.
  5. Playdate. For some people this may not have been a treat but for me it is.  I got to watch my friends little girl tonight.  She is the same age as my daughter so they always have so much fun together.  It’s a treat for me because it means I don’t actually have to do that much work.  You would think having 2 instead of 1 means MORE work, but when they just entertain themselves it means I have time to get stuff done without a toddler hanging off my leg begging for my attention.  I also just love watching her interact with her friends. It’s just so cute watching her grow up like that. As a result of the playdate I just had a quick dinner while hubby gave the girls a bath.  Some homemade chicken soup with a chicken mayonnaise salad.  (My homemade mayo rocks!)

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Day 7 – 1 week down!

So I spent a good chunk this morning making mayonnaise, chicken salad with that mayonnaise, straining my chicken stock from last night, making chicken soup with that stock.  All this was to prepare for the week ahead!  Heading into week 2 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox and I’m actually looking forward to it!

The Good: Did my exercises today while out at the park with my daughter.  It felt funny doing burpees and squats infront of other moms but I knew it was now or never!

The Bad: It’s 1am and I’m still not in bed.  oops?

The Ugly: I’m not sure what happened but after eating the soup I prepared my stomach immediately got rid of it and then I felt ill the rest of the night.  I really hope it wasn’t the soup that did this because then that would be a waste of some perfectly good stock and a lot of food that went into it.  Other than adding some eggs into the soup I can’t imagine why it would do that.  My only other thought is the soup itself cleansed me?  Maybe from the weekend and my greek food splurge?  Who knows, I guess we’ll see tomorrow.

Day 1 – 21 Day Sugar Detox

I woke up this morning at around 7am with an IBD attack again.  Thankfully taking my IBD meds and a Vicodin worked this time (it DID NOT work the other day)  And I was able to get some more sleep.  All this is really showing me that I need to get back on track pronto.

On a positive note being sick has made day 1 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox very easy.  Since I didn’t even wake up until 11:30 (God bless my amazing sleeping child) I didn’t even eat until closer to 1pm and when I did it wasn’t much since my stomach is still queasy.  Simply a mug of broth with some kelp salt and a strip of bacon.

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The Good: I managed to do the work out planned out in the 21 Day Sugar Detox.  Took me hardly any time at all yet I it felt good to get off the couch and do something.

The Bad: Went to a friends house for dinner tonight, and since I need to be honest I will confess that I had a few potato chips (baked in olive oil, at least); some roasted white potatoes and a glass of red wine (which I didn’t finish, at least. The rest of the meal was Pork, carrots and brocoli)  I am happy to say I did not eat the flavored yogurt, fruit or chocolate she had set out. And though it’s no excuse, I did not have my allotted banana or apple today to kind of “make up” for it.  Tomorrow is another day and another chance to get it right.

The Ugly: Starting weight, 235lbs