Tag Archive | kefir

My new normal

Ok so my back has been KILLING me over the last few weeks.  I’m pretty sure it all started when I went to some retreat with the women from my church.  It was a great experience and all but I realized then that my back is just not cut out for bad bunk beds, hikes, and sitting indian style.  From that weekend onwards there’s always been a bit of pain that I couldn’t seem to shift.  And then WHAM!  One day after seeing my chiropractor it all just gave out and I had to drive my car the 15 min it takes to get home in extreme pain and agony.  Like deep moaning during labor pain.

Well today while I was still in pain and basically can do nothing but lay in bed I realized that actually I’m doing SO MUCH MORE than just laying in bed.  I’m laying there having a complete pity party on myself when my husband stops me and says “What do you call all that downstairs cooking? Because I don’t call that nothing”  And then I realized in spite of all my pain I still managed to cook a beef heart stew, make chicken broth and render down the fat from the heart to get some tallow.  Not to mention I still took the time to soak oatmeal for tomorrow and make more homemade coconut milk kefir…WHAT?!

When did this happen that whipping up a stew with organ meat is so normal to me now that whilst doing it I felt like I was doing nothing!  I mean even just a year ago I swear putting in a Stouffer’s lasagna in the oven was hard work.  Wow I really need to get off my own back and realize the progress I’ve made over the last few years.  So what that the house is a mess?  So what if my daughter is maybe watching one too many Elmo’s since I can’t play with her.  I’m in a season in my life right now where I just have to survive.  And again if I’m surviving off home made organ meats, broth and tallow then I think life is going to be alright.

Day 18 – Is Kefir allowed on the 21 Day Sugar Detox?

I was talking with Charissa from the 21 DSD and she had mentioned me writing up a little blurb about kefir since I was interested to know if it was 21 DSD allowed.  Turns out it is! WOOT! So since I already did the work I thought I would post it here.



milk/water kefir photo waterkefir_zps3f48067f.jpg

There are two types of kefir you can have on your 21 day sugar detox.  (Technically pronouced ka-fear but most people say kee-fur). Milk and water kefir use kefir grains (only called that because of their looks) added to the liquid to create a fermented beverage.  The are both rich in probiotics and can make a good addition to your diet, whether or not you pronounce it right.

Milk Kefir

The first, allowed on levels 1 and 2, is milk kefir.  Milk kefir can be made with cows, goat or coconut* milk and is essentially a probiotic packed food just slightly thinner than yogurt, but loads better. You can easily make your own at home.  You will just need to find some kefir grains. First I would recommend asking your friends to see if they have any extra grains.  If not you can just search online for a good deal. Otherwise you can buy milk kefir already made at the store. Just be careful if you do as you will want to make sure it has no added fruits or sugars and that it is the full fat version.  Milk kefir can be added to those “Toadally” awesome smoothies by Primal Toad that you received along with your 21 dsd program, or anywhere else you would normally add some type of milk.

*Coconut milk kefir is allowed on all 3 levels.

Water Kefir

The second type, allowed on all levels, is water kefir. Though not as easily found in the store, you can make water kefir at home.  Again either find a source online or ask around and see if any friends have some extra grains they would love to pass on. As a result you will end up with a delicious, very fizzy drink, loaded with probiotics that is a perfect substitute for anyone trying to kick a soda habit during their 21 day sugar detox.  Just like kombucha though (both have a similar taste) don’t go crazy and keep it at 8oz a day.