Tag Archive | BSF

Day 9 – Salmon and water kefir

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So I’m definitely certain that both my daughter and I are not used to getting up before 9 since just before Christmas.  I know this because the poor girl was conked out the minute we got in the car after BSF.

BSF stands for Bible Study Fellowship and it’s something I’ve been going to for a few months now.  It has it’s negatives don’t get me wrong, but I’m learning so much about the bible that I wouldn’t really be able to other wise and the child care is so amazing that it’s what keeps me going back. When I think about things like if I should put my daughter into a preschool or not (seems like ALL her friends have started going) I remember how great BSF is for and how  basically it’s an awesome Christian based preschool, for free!

So yea we need to be there no later than 9:30 so I wasn’t sure how we would do.  I was shocked when I heard her talking in her crib at 8:30 maybe she would have gone back down for a smaller nap if I had left her (I could barely hear her) but decided to just get her up and get a move on it.  And we were actually on time for a change!

Not only did the poor thing crash in the car on the way home but I felt I needed to do the same thing. So I went ahead and laid down thinking she’ll be up in a few hours and I’ll just let her wake me up.  When I finally did wake up (on my own even, she was still asleep) it was 3:20.  Holy guacamole!  We both definitely needed a nap.

The Good: I made salmon tonight for dinner.  But like, I don’t cook fish.  It’s like I’m perpetually horrible at always cooking fish so when it came out delicious I was super excited.  AND I tried my first batch of water kefir tonight!  It’s taken me about a week with my milk kefir grains to convert them but I’ve seem to have done it successfully.  I don’t know though, it wasn’t as fizzy as I’d hoped and really it tasted the same as kombucha so what’s the point of doing both?  We’ll see

With the salmon and water kefir, I had brocoli and a salad with olive oil and lemon juice drizzled on top.  And you know what, I was stuffed.  Like super, almost couldn’t finish, stuffed.  Which I was honestly shocked about because there was no starch to the meal.

The Bad: Though we had a great morning, it seems the nap really through me off and I had no energy the rest of the day, no energy means my little girl gets to watch one too many Elmo’s.  I should have just gotten up and taken her to the park, but we were both just like slugs hanging around the house.

The not so Bad: I didn’t do any exercises today.  I think it’s not all that bad though because I did a lot yesterday so I’m going to call this my rest day.  Now if I do this again this week that would be ugly because I’m only meant to have 1 rest day.